For those who never had it

In a time when so many of the most powerful leaders of industries and nations seek to kill hope for a better, more peaceful, more equal future, for those who have lost it, for those who never had it, hope for them as you would for yourself.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Politically dimensional and positively more and less pointless

One last one of these. I decided to put all the best short political bits of 2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple together in one spot. I almost put it in but decided it was too silly, though these are somewhat political. Needed to put something lighter somewhere.

  • Though he was, as in the real 2D world, still a brilliant scientist, in this evil 2D Universe, scientists were only valued and employed if willing to make weapons of mass destruction, devise new ways to manipulate people psychologically through subliminal advertising, coming up with new ways to rig peoples own computers, security cameras, and webcams to spy on them to help the secret police, or for devising new justifications and models for cheating poorer peoples out of their lands, money, and resources to make them all servants of The Corporations or die.
    Because Evil Assistwo grew up in this backward Universe, he saw nothing wrong with any of that and would have been quite willing to do any of the above, he just never caught any of the breaks like the real Assistwo did. In this evil Universe, his government was willing to hire all foreign scientists to make all their weapons of mass destruction because they did not have to pay them as much, could deport, torture, or shoot them without trials because they were foreigners (which made them more likely to show up for work on time), and above all, in hopes they would steal some of those ideas to build similar weapons in their own countries so Assistwo's country would have a good excuse for either invading them and taking all their stuff, or just simply killing them so they could use up their weapons and need to make more to keep up their weapons industry, the largest and most profitable industry on the planet, giving it even greater profits.

  • One of the perks of his new position of power was that he got to decide who to hire, give employment to, and thereby prevent from starving to death because many had no jobs and the government forbid people not to have jobs, but would not give them any either, so not having one was a leading cause of death.
    Evil Assistwo loved his new power of life and death over those even more unfortunate than himself as much as his superiors enjoyed weilding it over him. By coincidence, one of those looking for a job was a familiar name to him somehow, maybe from a dream he once had of a freer world without gravity, rampant corruption, price tags on everyone's lives and self-respect, and one with hope.
    "I see it says here your name is "Inventor". That is a really strange name."
    "No more strange than Assistwo," he said daring the slightest hint of a smile.
    "Hey!!! You must show respect for my authoritaaaay!!!" Assistwo yelled while knocking over a table for effect. Having gravity was nice because it just laid there instead of bouncing around the room incessantly after that. The dramatic pause and silence was nicer than it bouncing around during the whole interview or having to stop it. That would have looked silly.

  • "They said I had a point about wanting a better plot but that I shouldn't complain about it while the story is ongoing because it could be an intentional plot twist or setting up something which will happen later, and eventually make sense when I see the larger picture at the end. I think they only pretend to represent me and are really suck ups to The Man," he answered.
    "The Man?" Researcher replied.
    "You know, the establishment. Didn't you read 1960's literature or television? That was their term for that controlling group of society that tries to run our lives and keep us down. In this case though, that would be the Author."
    "What about a reversed 3D Universe dream?"
    "That idea was nixed. It said trying to reverse our world might actually improve it too much. Societies would be run by the kindest generous smart people and the most ruthless greedy and stupid mean people would be the least powerful, and corporations would have to do what the governments tell them instead of the other way around. The corporations also would not get to decide who the people could vote for in a general election."
    "That would be too strange."

  • But this is “nature of the Universe” type stuff, how can they cut funding for that? We can send things into other dimensions for crying out loud! How can even the so-called “military intelligence” people running out government not be impressed with that?Researcher asked.
    Well, for awhile they wanted to send people into another dimension to torture them outside of our laws, if its another Universe, then it can't be illegal, right? But then they found countries in Europe that already had existing facilities for than kind of stuff, and unemployed Easterners who were already well-trained.”

    What about weapons disposal? We may not be able to bring things back from a 4th dimension yet or target things back in our Universe through it yet, but the applications for disposing dangerous weapons ought to get them interested,” he said still astounded at the concept of being unemployed. He had tenure after all!

    Well, they thought that treaties to dispose of old weapons was a good excuse to get rid of them so they could get even more money to build new ones, but while you have been gone, it seems they never run out of new excuses for getting rid of them the old-fashioned way, using them on people. In fact that alone, that we can't make them fast enough, plus what we gain from scaring countries to give us money or leases or to get them to buy our bombs so we will have fewer to drop on them, has made the whole “treaties” and “disposal” and “disarmament” ideas downright laughable. You make them, you use them, you make more of them. Can't argue with the newer simpler straightforward logic of that.”