For those who never had it

In a time when so many of the most powerful leaders of industries and nations seek to kill hope for a better, more peaceful, more equal future, for those who have lost it, for those who never had it, hope for them as you would for yourself.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Why I choose not to speak now about the insanity in the Middleast policy of the US

          Lies reach a saturation point, and truth cannot compete or be heard. Speaking out against this at all now is fast becoming pointless. This is not as hopeless as it sounds, but reason needs calm and rationality to be heard, and to prevail. That is why there will be no breathers, no pauses for people to catch their breath. Enjoy the calm of this ceasefire while it lasts. It is most likely only the warm up act, a momentary pause before the main act of what reporters have claimed is Bush and Cheney's desire of a wider war, and others said was a deliberate attempt at triggering one, using high civilian casualties, direct targeting of UN peacekeepers, hospitals, refugee convoys, red cross vehicles, power stations, airports, etc. etc. etc. The list goes on but soon it will be as irrelevant as much else. I will write about that soon instead. What I call the international foreign policy equivalent of the LA riots, where the crimes fly so fast and furious that no one will bother to keep a count of them anymore. Since no one will be held accountable, since laws will be passed to backdate all administration wrongdoing, you won't even be able to call them crimes anymore. Enjoy the illusion that for now, they technically were illegal. For one brief shinning moment, we knew what our government did to us, did to other people as well, was wrong and illegal at the time, and only us having the power to say we choose to make it legal, we choose to call it right, that this is the most wrong we are doing, to ourselves, our children's futures, to the world, and to truth. Rewriting the past, like those in power can now do whenever they choose, means no need for accountability,no hearings, no government whistleblowers needing protection, as soon there will be no crimes to investigate, mere lapses in judgment, and the rest, like bodies in a video game, will merely vanish into thin air.
          But the peace, if it ever comes to whatever is left of the world before they are done, before they lose their iron-fisted hold on power and the American public's minds, such a peace will one day allow such reflection and truths to come out, and will shame us all for as long as humanity has a memory of what we did not do or say in these times, purely out of fear of what would happen to us if we did. But when the heat gets turned up again, approval ratings will soar faster than bodycounts and we will pass on finding the truth to other generations like we pass on to them an increasingly polluted ever less inhabitable world, greater suffering and inequalities, and our increasing pessimism that it could have or will go any other way, that this is all fate or God's plan, and not our own shortcomings fault.
          From what I have seen, those who are good, those who want peace, they are weak, they are hesitant, they are indecisive, and they are cowards compared to those who will shout down anyone who disagrees with them, beat anyone who gets in their way, and will charge the entire world headlong into a very deep abyss. As I said before and most likely others have before and since, you don't get the world you want, but you get the world you deserve. Unfortunately though, we will pass that hell on to others who have yet to do anything to deserve it, but if they follow the path and examples we have set for them, they probably will as well.