For those who never had it

In a time when so many of the most powerful leaders of industries and nations seek to kill hope for a better, more peaceful, more equal future, for those who have lost it, for those who never had it, hope for them as you would for yourself.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Warnings are good, threats are bad, unless the same thing

       Today I had a reminder that there are probably some things others may be quite insistent I not get into. Today I was reminded how close I might had come to the treatment of what others, some would say better than me, have been given; setup for crimes, made homeless, even committed. If that was the track I was on, it was let up on eventually and I only was given the “lite” version.

       Today I also was reminded how these events kept me from saying things I might not have ought to, and could not have taken back. Though probably not meant in my best interest, how such pressure may have helped me. I can rail against such “help” whatever the motivation. I can comfort myself angrily at the same time, saying I stood alone, that no one dared to help me outside of a few I knew about, but literally I have been blind to whatever may have been going on behind the scenes, at least in my instance.

       I know of the overt things quite plain; two judges reversing their own orders later each same day to go against me (no criminal matters, but one having the effect of making me homeless without any legal foundation or precedent. It was nasty, on record, and beyond reach of simply alleging “paranoia” as is often done, one having told me, "there is nothing I can do",), but not of why or for what intent, and probably neither do they know other than because that was what they were told to do.

       I do know though how others have been treated. I know patterns of how my government deals with things. I know I am not the most patient person in the world, especially when I see things going on which I know should not be, what most know should not be, what the people doing them and also those who should be stopping them, know should not be, yet no one does anything, seemingly or seemingly any serious attempt to roll things back. Yet I still see that intransigence and impatience as a good thing, or at least can be a good thing when pointed in the right direction.

       If indeed things are now turning around for the better, I will concede at least in the things I have been put through, I do not have enough information to judge what is good or bad, as Chung Tzu would say with the horse and the barn analogy. As I have been told, I have a window back where I want to be, and even a chance at moving forward and moving things forward for others from within the same place, but it requires patience which I may or may not have. That has yet to be seen. And whether there IS time.

       However, should things not turn the corner in time, should the US attack Iran, pretty much for the sole purpose of forestalling impeachment proceedings or worse, (The Russian White House is very much in mind as to how things are shaping up, a President who does not recognize the authority of his Congress and has looked at the military options at home and abroad to silence critics), then I truly can say no one helped me or anyone by what went on here. No ones judgment is to be trusted by me then, at least no one who contributed in any way to making it difficult for me to say what I felt should have been said long ago, but was forced by circumstances unrelenting to have waited. It may have been for the best, or it may have been a crime. Then, I will only see the damage, regardless of the intent.