For those who never had it

In a time when so many of the most powerful leaders of industries and nations seek to kill hope for a better, more peaceful, more equal future, for those who have lost it, for those who never had it, hope for them as you would for yourself.

Friday, July 28, 2006

First post, and an explanation how it got here and why

After reading many blogs on, I decided to do my own. I have had web sites before, even had and lost my own name as a domain to domain-name-thieves (vultures I call them) when changing domain registrars, and eventually got it back (it was no longer valuable enough for them to steal it). Since I had lost my own name as a domain, I started which was my way of posting my school papers from Estonia and Sweden (Polsci/Political Sociology major), poems, and blog-like thoughts called The Notes, which continue to this day and some of which may appear here. I am struggling to finish my Master's thesis on Russian nationalism for a University in Sweden, and trying while doing that to ignore that Bush and Co. are purposely trying to set the world on fire for higher profits, and also try to ignore that so many of my fellow Americans and even more than a few European parliaments are ignorant of that.

The title of this blog comes from the first to have a theme (Winter '04), and the theme was hope. That was the one I call Polsci 3 as it was the third update. I am working on Polsci 9 now which should go out in the exe of Decode Gold 2007. I put the entire web site into my programs so that they are completely achieved and dated, easier than copyrighting, and are not as easily changed around as web sites are. I certainly try to avoid anyone saying I said something I did not, but realize such things may be unavoidable. The idea of putting my writings into my computer programs goes back to before ZIP Runner, as the only reason I made the program in the first place was because I could not compile a whole poetry book into a single exe. If QckBasic supported more text, my life would have gone differently. So I made a compressed text reader program instead, which became ZIP Runner and then ZR FileWorks which was in PC World Magazine.

Polsci 3 about hope was followed by PolSci 4, the nuclear one. It was early 2005 and Bush was leaning toward nuking Iran, so I decided to go with the nuclear theme for the site which was a must-read for some :-) and I tried to speak to the insanity of an administration which never seems to run out of it. Some people are actually in favor of that, nuking Iran "pre-emptively", and like American torture of suspects without charges or trials, civil war in Iraq being a "positive development for democracy", the American news media is actually pushing it as not such a bad idea. It would be the pinnacle of America allowing its standing in the world to completely be destroyed forever, at least the vestiges of what is left of our respectability and our economy. The best description of what is being done to the United States by the Bush administration is the same thing we did to so many nations before, mostly in Latin America, in a book called "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins. Thank you sir, may I have another?

The theme for PolSci 9 will be Heiau, which is Hawaiian for sacred place, (from the Net: When broken down we see that the concept of a heiau is not so much a temple or shrine, but rather a designated place for the practise of prayer. Bearing this in mind I think of a heiau as not just a physical place but a place in "time"!) which is what the massive killing to come will be over, and I slam even the concept of it, sacred ground, hard, without concern for those who hold that concept dearer in their hearts than even human life, billions of them in fact, because that is the very concept which treatens to kill billions of people as well. Greed is the reason, religion is the enabler in this instance. A preview of it is below.

I hold no symbol, cloth, cup, wall, building, or place as Holy. I
cherish no words spoken or written by me nor by any other who ever
lived nor ever will live for I know all words to be false, no matter
what truths they are meant to represent. The only thing in all the
Universe worth revering is Life, the only thing that is Holy and the
only thing that is Truth. And Life, it is spent like currency, wasted
to keep all that is False to be worshiped in its stead. The words,
the symbols, the cloths, the cups, the walls, the buildings, and the
places, none of these are living, none are made Holy except by the
wasteful Blood spend by the Living to keep them enshrined. I find
their sacrifices in this regard as wasteful, even the very notion of
Sacrifice in all its connotations, merely as spending the Valuable to
make the Worthless seem less Worthless. God as a word is but another
false god. It may as well be Satan, for that too is but another word.
If your God is Life, then worship Life, worship ALL life, even those
whom you might despise, and put aside your worshipping of words and
symbols, of inanimate objects and unliving places, as a waste of time
and an impediment to knowing the only living Truth, Life itself.

Also intended for PolSci 9 is What the asylum thing really was all aboutDoctors on the Dark Side‚ (everyone beat me to the punch on that one, even PBS), one about the desecration of the Constitution, one about and the collapse of reseller markets and the "disposable" society mentality, and maybe one or two others.

But again, this first post like the title is meant to begin with hope, and the hope I had when working on PolSci 3 I try to keep in my heart as much as the wonder. Here is a rehash of it below. Aloha and mahalo.

People who ridicule others because of their apparent disabilities,
appearance, or perceived problems or weaknesses are fools. In some
who appear weak, infirm, helpless,or ill I have seen a strength of
spirit, mana, a thousand times more powerful than in we who dare to
think ourselves strong, healthy, or mighty, and may appear as such to
others or ourselves. Appearances, physical forms, are nothing, only a
superficial reality. The strength of our lives and spirits are only
minorly affected by them, and only then as much as we allow them to
be affected by them and let those feelings in ourselves about our
bodies get us down. Learn to see with your eyes closed and your
heart, soul, and mind open. Then you will see true beauty and real
strength where others are truly blind to it.

It is easy to predict that humanity has no long term prospects for survival, at
least free, and easier still once thinking that way, to make it come
true. Its continuation based on how we live, treat each other, and
the direction we seem to be headed in, expecting it can go on like
this for very long defies logic, common sense, and even reason. We
are teaching and being taught every day to despise the very
international institutions we founded generations ago to bring us
together and promote peace. Greed and power frames all discussions on
how to treat each other. Those who would profit from setting us apart
from each other, forever at each other, never seeing or admitting we
all, all around the world, are ohana, family, brothers and sisters,
they always rise to the top and forever divide us. I forget often
that hope needs no reason nor foundation. It grows even in the most
abismal and desperate circumstances. That is why it is so hard to
kill it. Hope is forever our only road forward, and even blind hope
might help us find our way forward. Hope must flow into us from
beyond this world, for otherwise it would have been stolen from us
and sold back to us like everything else.