For those who never had it

In a time when so many of the most powerful leaders of industries and nations seek to kill hope for a better, more peaceful, more equal future, for those who have lost it, for those who never had it, hope for them as you would for yourself.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Still up it seems - in flux

 This was my first blog. This is to keep it current in case of being de-listed. After this blog a new one was created called TruthRevival which also seems still up. That one had a post as recently as early 2020, and this one not since 2018. is in limbo but directs to jareddubois @ substack. There have been new posts there since 2023 semi-regularly and 4 recently in 2024.

The which dated from 2004 has been moved to which was meant to be used for something else, more a redesign of the old's content for phones and tablets. The original design was made with desktops and laptops in mind and grew organically so no real common index was made for posts which originated from,, the 5D Notes Blog (also on blogspot).

While those latter two did have index pages, was a mish (monster) mash of posts I made from various places. Unlostworld was worked on in 2020 and 2021 but never came to fruition.

The reworked vintage posts (hopefully grammar gremlins and spelling errors removed) provided the bulk of the "repost" parts of the new posts at the "new", now just a substack site for now.

Someday I may actually be able to get paid for what I write, or what I wrote, or sell off domains, the Zedlam game or other programs, or get hired at a job that pays enough to resume my studies at a University overseas, country and college still in flux, but as I stated in recent posts at Substack /, focused this time on East Asia Politics and security issues, possibly to work on a Master's or PhD thesis on the Taiwan issue.

Funding if I cannot sell something or barter my labor (hopefully unnecessary if I can sell something) has yet to be worked out. I have tried KickStarter, and that was mentioned in recent posts. For now, as always, I take things one post at a time. 

I will check to see if anything points to here. Most of the posts here were backed up into the old, and now those reposts are at (if that redirect still works). Maybe someday I will make one of them into a more normal site. So far, writing what I think is the most important thing to say has been my priority, but hopefully a space will open up for more detailed and focused research on particular items (and a FULL new post) if University studies do lie ahead.

Hawaii has been great. Lahaina lives in my heart still, if only in memories, and another space and time. That can not be so easily destroyed and forgotten, at least by and to me.
