For those who never had it

In a time when so many of the most powerful leaders of industries and nations seek to kill hope for a better, more peaceful, more equal future, for those who have lost it, for those who never had it, hope for them as you would for yourself.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Rays of light, but before the dawn or darkness?

       Glenn Greenwald was at his best when the Black Congress was at its worst. I was glued to his posts all during the "debates" which led to the Military Commissions Act, truly the most egregious piece of legislation passed in my lifetime, if not in the last 800 years of basic concepts of freedom, civil liberty, and rule of law according to respect of human rights long before they were called that.
       But now in a better sense, he is well worth reading for what may be good news for a change. The headlines say it all, or at least all except that those within those departments are the ones or may be the ones to come forward. Police, believe it or not, are capable of policing themselves, at least when prompted to by the press or a watchful public. It is only the politicians who seem incapable of cleaning house. Here are some recent topics of his all lined up like ducks in a row which caught my eye due to their symmetry, as well as all being long overdue.

The significance of the FBI's law-breaking
The DOJ's explicit refusal to obey the law
Gonzales' unprecedented efforts to block a FISA investigation (into crimes by the NSA)

He only left out the obvious sources who requested all of these, as well as breaking numerous treaties; against the torture of prisoners, on rights of prisoners to trials, on the conduct and justifications of war, and many, many others, all of which in addition to the equally discarded Constitution, are equally what the Supreme Court has stated to be the "Supreme laws of the land". They may one day be again. So must say we all.

Warnings are good, threats are bad, unless the same thing

       Today I had a reminder that there are probably some things others may be quite insistent I not get into. Today I was reminded how close I might had come to the treatment of what others, some would say better than me, have been given; setup for crimes, made homeless, even committed. If that was the track I was on, it was let up on eventually and I only was given the “lite” version.

       Today I also was reminded how these events kept me from saying things I might not have ought to, and could not have taken back. Though probably not meant in my best interest, how such pressure may have helped me. I can rail against such “help” whatever the motivation. I can comfort myself angrily at the same time, saying I stood alone, that no one dared to help me outside of a few I knew about, but literally I have been blind to whatever may have been going on behind the scenes, at least in my instance.

       I know of the overt things quite plain; two judges reversing their own orders later each same day to go against me (no criminal matters, but one having the effect of making me homeless without any legal foundation or precedent. It was nasty, on record, and beyond reach of simply alleging “paranoia” as is often done, one having told me, "there is nothing I can do",), but not of why or for what intent, and probably neither do they know other than because that was what they were told to do.

       I do know though how others have been treated. I know patterns of how my government deals with things. I know I am not the most patient person in the world, especially when I see things going on which I know should not be, what most know should not be, what the people doing them and also those who should be stopping them, know should not be, yet no one does anything, seemingly or seemingly any serious attempt to roll things back. Yet I still see that intransigence and impatience as a good thing, or at least can be a good thing when pointed in the right direction.

       If indeed things are now turning around for the better, I will concede at least in the things I have been put through, I do not have enough information to judge what is good or bad, as Chung Tzu would say with the horse and the barn analogy. As I have been told, I have a window back where I want to be, and even a chance at moving forward and moving things forward for others from within the same place, but it requires patience which I may or may not have. That has yet to be seen. And whether there IS time.

       However, should things not turn the corner in time, should the US attack Iran, pretty much for the sole purpose of forestalling impeachment proceedings or worse, (The Russian White House is very much in mind as to how things are shaping up, a President who does not recognize the authority of his Congress and has looked at the military options at home and abroad to silence critics), then I truly can say no one helped me or anyone by what went on here. No ones judgment is to be trusted by me then, at least no one who contributed in any way to making it difficult for me to say what I felt should have been said long ago, but was forced by circumstances unrelenting to have waited. It may have been for the best, or it may have been a crime. Then, I will only see the damage, regardless of the intent.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hawaii, my Natural Environment, the Perfect Environment, and Reset Points

I call Maui my "natural environment" for several reasons. Foremost is because it is here I became in a way, the best I can be, and then became in a way a different person. It's where I re-grew up so to speak. That being said, I will now refute it. We are constantly changing every moment of our existences, always moving on slowly to become a different person than who we were previously, a year ago, years ago, decades ago. Scars, memories and stubborn traits of patterns of behavior are all that really connect these changes together, as well as records.

We are born with pre-existent potentials, far more than we could ever actualize in a given lifetime, and sort through an external environment where some of those potentials can be changed into actual events according to the needs, demands, and circumstances at the time, in accordance with our wants, and perceptions at those times of what is possible at that moment in time.

What I call the "best possible" me was a pinnacle of sorts, but only from the way this particular version of my life has gone and the choices made within it. I know of what was around some corners of choices I chose not to make, some roads not taken. If there is one common thing that makes me different than most people, it is to run from predictability whenever possible, to keep trying to make life unpredictable, fresh, unknown.

Here I sit writing this in a spot of great meaning for me, my favorite beach, where I watched the beach-plant in Deconstructing the Universe form, struggle to survive, and then perish, where I first came to understand the misinterpretations of 4D sight (3D plus away) of being able to "see through" 3-D objects, and where I could close my eyes as the sun went down and see clearly cities I had never been to before, yet did go to later. I know of this spot's significance to me in things that did not actually happen. It was here in this spot I would have written RCP3 if things had gone differently in the external environment.

My "rebirth" involves many aspects, one of which is simply as simple as changing cultural precepts. Music was a big part of it. In the Hindu aspect of getting everything you want, to then move beyond it, I did musically. I was able to buy just about every song I ever wanted by every musician I ever liked, and then shortly after listened to none of them. I got over them and switched to Hawaiian music because I preferred it more, plus it was more optimistic and peaceful. And it is not as commercialized, not a part of the mass culture which dominates people's thinking far more than they realize.

If you could get into other people's heads, not that I am saying or implying I could, you would have tunes playing in the same calendar years from the same musicians, fresh memories of the same movies and television shows, similar opinions about the same inane actors and actresses from the same inane television programs they watched last night, similar political opinions according to one or two templates, similar religious fears and feelings. Not all the same in everyone, but all too similar as currents that go beyond them and the "center" of which lies outside of them. It moves through them, not a part of them they either control or understand.

They are so dwarfed by cultural precepts, most of these precepts easily controlled by the media, they are awash in constantly changing mentally overwhelming inputs at increasingly more rapid rates, so easy to manipulate and control, with little and lessening time for reflection and trying to gain their own unique perspective upon these mountains data inputs which are constantly thrown at them. You can hardly blame governments for wanting to grab hold of their sitting-duck minds and give them a firm shake in whatever direction they are willing to be lead, even over cliffs, just to show, "Hey, we can just about make anyone do or think just about anything these days."

By slowly pulling back from this, I began to delve more into other cultures and pretty much concentrate on potential future ones more and more because of the limitations in the devolution of my own culture. It no longer was deep enough to interest me, becoming mindless, more frivolous and shallower by design, and more manipulative so unsubtly as to be laughable if it were not so sad and insulting.

This process and this place as well as this period in history are for me all intertwined now. All roads led to this intertwining my whole life, both ones I longed for and ones I dreaded. It is coming together in a way too predictable for a person like me to enjoy, yet I understand its necessity to an extent, and have learned to bend a little to what I know should not be, yet is.

The "best me" previously here is evident to me because it is here I wrote "Towards Tomorrow", "Deconstructing the Universe" and "The Heretic Papers" in-between. I now could surpass all of those writings easily at will, yet choose not to for now, and probably forever. It is necessary to draw some lines in the sand and retire often to get perspective on what your life would be if you were done with it right now

There is an energy here that is quite a part of me that I naturally tap into. Before one says that is all meta-physical new-age nonsense, let me explain that in a more common usage. One who grows up in, or becomes accustomed to, a city can say there is an energy to that place created by the people there that is like nowhere else on Earth for them, a vibe or feeling there created by those who live there. I mean it in that sense as well as the vibrancy of life here in an area of near perfect and constantly perfect outdoor temperatures. I am stronger and healthier here and heal quicker than other places, especially compared with cold places. When I first came back I could barely walk (Sciatica) and within two weeks was again as strong as I ever was in my life, at least more so than almost anyone half my age. I would not wish to try to hold onto this, or life, or this life for too long, but for now it suits me and what I wish to do.

Maui to me is also a reset point for that reason mentioned above on how when I was when here previously, I was at a pinnacle of sorts. No doubt my reasoning ability has far surpassed how I thought here when I drew those arbitrary lines in the sand of thus far and no further, yet there was an innocent wide-eyed wonder to that time which being here puts me back in touch with, riding the same roads, sitting in the same spots, reconnecting.

Anyone who goes through a lot of changes in their lives very quickly can instinctually want to go back to a place where they are familiar with, home to them, to try to process there all the changes, to sort it out in terms of how it should mesh with their sense of identity, how they should "feel" about it all, and what it should drive them to do or what perspective how they thought in the past can contribute to what happened later. I call them reset points.

When I knew what I was trying to do in Europe would not be successful, I simply put my emphasis and concentration upon this point in time of where and when I would put all the pieces back together. No doubt I was able to before now, but chose not until this time to think about them. I needed to reconnect first.

This is something which can be manipulated, not just in me, but in many people. There is much many people put off facing because they choose to, because some part of their consciousness says now is not the time to deal with it, though they know it in another sense, and walk around capable of the most ridiculous denials of reality, which from a good look around at how my government has been lead, is now pervasive. Often this is for a reason, but whose reason and whose interests it serves is always an open question.

Back at my reset point, I know more of why I think I did the things I did, what I hoped to accomplish. As I said previously, I know what I hoped to put out, and at least the best possible spin or gain it could have had, yet that is always controlled by others. And I have pulled back not only at times for my own sake from what "powerful" people might do to me, but instead most often when I knew it would be missing the mark of my intended effects.

Other people's reset points include getting back together for awhile with an ex-spouse to try to glimpse or gain insight how their intervening years might have gone if they had not separated, or moving back to their hometown, working again at the local factory, and hanging around with old friends or relatives who never left. That aspect is here for me as well, being where I would have been again also now if I never left. Being able to compartmentalize all the changes and new experiences and see through, or try to see through, both sets of pasts as well.

But what I term the "Perfect Environment," that is circumstantial, not a place. It is now. I have probably lost count of how many openly criminal, completely impeachable crimes and felonies, not to mention war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity, this present administration has more or less openly admitted to, all with impunity.

I am inserting part of Paul Craig Roberts most recent attempt to keep score, not that the Press bothers anymore.
The Bush administration's greatest success is its ability to escape accountability for its numerous impeachable offenses.
The administration's offenses against US law, the US Constitution, civil liberties, human rights, and the Geneva Conventions, its lies to Congress and the American people, its vote-rigging scandals, its sweetheart no-bid contracts to favored firms, its political firing of Republican US Attorneys, its practice of kidnapping and torturing people in foreign hellholes, and its persecution of whistle blowers are altogether so vast that it is a major undertaking just to list them all.
Bush admits that he violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and spied on US citizens without warrants, a felony under the Act. Bush has shown total disrespect for civil liberty and the Constitution and has suffered rebukes from the Supreme Count. The evidence is overwhelming that the Bush administration manufactured false "intelligence" to justify military aggression against Iraq.

Any less criminal Gang of Four would have long ago been arrested, or thrown out of office in complete disgrace at the very least. It is not that I get off on this mess, only that I see the opportunity within it both for my country and the world.

The US has been sliding toward authoritarianism in secret and behind the scenes for decades now. The only difference is that it is beginning to be exposed for one and all to see, providing they are not so completely taken in by the constant mass media manipulations and lies which themselves have lost all subtly and veneer, at least among those still capable of rational and independent thinking.

The more wealthy a country is, the longer and deeper the corruption can go on, the more intractable it can become. All attempts by Congress to try to limit or mitigate their own corruption, inherent in both political parties, is as laughable as it is ineffective. Only through the present Constitutional crisis is there any real hope of finally changing this dinosaur of a system unwilling and unable to evolve anymore, even to save itself, into something new, something incorruptible, or at least something within even a vague semblance of its own self-image.

Countless times before in the past the American public could have done the right thing to begin baby steps of positive changes and instead chose the selfish paths, preferred the denials of reality and lies, accepted the corruption as inevitable and even a necessity. Instead, they let a minor slide turn into major and more chronic catastrophes which put at risk, not only their wealth, but their liberties and right to legitimately elected self-governance. They let it continue on and on and on until it became virtually irreversible and almost unthinkable that they would even in the near future have again even a portion of the rights they had a decade ago, never mind a generation ago.

Yet this so-called "crisis" time is all part of the game. You cannot defeat tyranny, only move it from one body to another. Once you put in place the mechanisms for "unitary" rule to become possible, someone or group of horrible insensitivity will not only grab after it, but achieve it and never willingly let it go. One of my favorite quotes is that "no one who came to power through illegal means has not been willing to use illegal means to hold onto power." Yet even those who do come to power legitimately can become a threat to the very system they lead or represent. Those who get there by other means can simply have more to hide and less to lose.

Now is the time Americans can truly shine, or they can do nothing and lose everything. Bravery is meaningless if everyone all wants to do what is right, if there is no risk for speaking out, no need to stand apart or alone to do what is right, and doing otherwise, what is wrong, would be punished. But reverse that, that to speak out against tyranny would bring the wrath of the government against you, possibly cost you your job, your freedom, your reputation, bring harm to your family, then it becomes possible to be brave simply for doing or trying to do what is right.

Now is one of those times when what is done by ordinary Americans can vastly improve the lives of their children and grandchildren in ways like never before, certainly beyond the "need a microscope to tell the differences between the candidates" elections we have, and even then, when they are accurately counted and without mass "legal" fraud. And the reasons for doing so have never been more pronounced.

Pretty much most of my life I have known my government is not what it portrays itself to be, what goes on behind the scenes which is now glorified in movies and on television, torture, framing the "bad guys" through bogus testimonies and planting of evidence, selling the most barbaric of techniques of manipulation discovered through experimentation which included torture, drugs, poisonings, and other such "fun" things on helpless people, first in this country, then in Latin America, and now in the Middle East. The Middle East simply represents new cultures to learn of their weaknesses, their mindsets, and how most effectively to "break" them. The refusal of the Administration to release admittedly probably innocent tortured suspects, still being subjected to torture no less, because they might talk about such "patented" techniques, now state secrets, the telling of which would, if not make them worthless, certainly erode their value if/when we wished to sell them to brutal dictatorships like we have done in the past. (Or share them with our allies. Feel the love.)

Things like this cannot be changed while they are not admitted to, while not constantly thrown in the public eye in a critical way by an antagonistic and truly independent press, instead of relegated to the shadows which even Congress cannot penetrate and indeed, does not want to know about. Yet on the other hand, we have been having a desensitization to these things going on for some time, as I mentioned in fictional films, and now in the news itself, or at least what passes for "news" these days. The hours for exposing it as a wrong to be righted, for that outing to make the slightest bit of difference, they are disappearing while it still retains at least some degree of shock value. Yet that opportunity has not yet completely disappeared.

It only takes a generation to completely destroy a culture, its values and belief system. Yet the present US administration did not get that yet. There are still men and women with honor in the armed forces who have not yet been "purged" for whom defending the Constitution is a sacred vow, not something like politicians can now disregard as easily and as legally as breaking on occasion their marriage vows, which actually holds greater potential repercussions than braking their oaths of office, which now has none!

That is where the real movement of any significance is going on these days, within the military, not in the corrupt and crippled by the corruption (so as to make any attempt and meaningful course changes impossible) Congress. Even the high courts have now become effectively politicized and by means of that, completely meaningless as far as such notions as "justice" and "fairness" are concerned, especially in political or election matters. The "Justice" department has served not as a watchdog of the corruption, but as a protector against investigations into its own leaders and top officers transgressions of the law more effectively than criminal mafias control their own "police" and "courts". It would probably take 50 years to sort through the last 5 years of blatantly illegal corruption within just about every branch of the government, not that it would ever allow itself to dissect its own rot.

The unusual "power" of this President has been based upon ordering people to do criminal things, generals, agents, lawyers, interrogators, intelligence experts, journalists, and on, and then effectively blackmail them for having done so, the willingness to make each one a "fall guy". Spying on all your potential political enemies and just about everyone else has not hurt either, but such programs all have gatekeepers, someone or group responsible for keeping such information safe, and that is where the other flank is falling.

The number of people trying to expose such rampant abuses of state power has grown so much it is now almost a cottage industry to change the laws from protecting whistleblowers to punishing them, threatening reporters with jail or worse for reporting the governments own violations of its own laws, and still they have been unable to stop it (though they have slowed it quite a bit). I have noticed that it has been the military and not the lawyers or politicians who have admitted to the most transgressions, at least prior to this new purge and surge. When ordered to, they break the laws, the Geneva Conventions, and their own codes get rewritten as fast as the President's lawyers rewrite the rules on what is legal and not, something that used to be Congresses job, yet they are not as willing as civilians to lie about it.

This too is fading. Iran is simply the catalyst for purging the military of Constitutionalists. One of the questions I put to someone who worked high in the relevant agencies, why didn't Colin Powell resign when the others, most of the top staff, at the State Department did enmass with the invasion of Iraq? It was a rhetorical question which I did not expect an answer to, but since I had a high opinion of Mr. Powel at the time, was something I could not understand. The answer was he thought it was a messianic complex.

Yet I now believe prompting such resignations is not only a side-effect but pretty much an essential ingredient. Driving all who know better and would say something, speak up, and silence them, drive them underground if not out of the government completely, simply for believing in the rule of law, and truth and honesty in governance. After years and years of such blatantly criminal behavior, how many are left who have enough compunction and morals to leave over even greater criminal invasions elsewhere? Would it even be newsworthy anymore and would it serve any purpose other than having even more bootlickers take over their positions and offices of power?

Time is short, the stakes are high, but really, in many ways if you look at what can be done with such a situation, it doesn't often get better than this. When our misdeeds are exposed (not "if" mind you, when), we may be eventually free of them and their ability to chain us to repeating the mistakes of the past and present which we continue to "officially" deny, to lie, while the rest of the worlds sees a side of us more accurate than what we are allowed to see about ourselves, and that is both dangerous and foolish. The mirror is there for those who simply remain able to think, "what would we think of another nation doing what we do and lying to its own people, not only about what it was doing, but telling them it was only doing such unspeakable and unthinkable things so for the sake of humanity as a whole, while reaping mountains of profits for themselves and their families in the process, the leaders at least, while its publics became ever more fearful and economically insecure, and with lessening rights and constantly lessening means to oppose such devolution of the average citizen's voice in and power over their own system of democracy?"